Madonna lily,
Lilium candidum
Iliad 3.150-153
γήραϊ δὴ πολέμοιο πεπαυμένοι, ἀλλ᾽ ἀγορηταὶ
ἐσθλοί, τεττίγεσσιν ἐοικότες οἵ τε καθ᾽ ὕλην
δενδρέῳ ἐφεζόμενοι ὄπα λειριόεσσαν ἱεῖσι:
τοῖοι ἄρα Τρώων ἡγήτορες ἧντ᾽ ἐπὶ πύργῳ.
Because of old age they had now ceased
from battle,
but they were good speakers, like
cicadas that in a forest
sit on a tree and pour out their
lily-like voice;
such were the leaders of the leaders of
the Trojans who were sitting on the wall.
l 一群退役老人,像森林裡的一群蟬,坐在城牆上,沒力氣打仗了,到時各各中氣十足,說話鏗鏘有力,聲音如百合花,這究竟是怎樣的聲音呢? Hesiod曾提到百合花之聲音,謬思女神之聲。或許這裡還意味著老人家智慧之語。
l λειριόεις like a lily, 像百合花。
like a
lily, but in Hom. only metaph., χρόα λειριόεντα lily skin, Il.13.830; of the
cicadae, ὄπα λειριόεσσαν their delicate voice, 3.152; of the Muses' voice,
Hes.Th.41; “Ἑσπερίδες” Q.S.2.418.
l 百合花,完美的對稱,和諧,象徵純潔與無邪。
l 荷馬史詩中形容Ajax的皮膚像百合花細緻。
l 下圖是克里特島Amnissos發現的壁畫 (約1600 BCE),白色百合花是主題,更多資訊請參考:
l 下圖是在Thera的壁畫,火山島岩石上開著一叢叢的百合花,紅色花可能因為與背景顏色對照,基本上花依照白色百合花或是聖母百合畫出。不過,另有一說是,畫中的花可能是很像百合花的「沙百合水仙」sea-daffodil (Pancratium
下面圖片是「沙百合水仙」sea-daffodil (Pancratium
l Pausanias (9.14.7) 提到在Chaeronea (in Boeotia)這地方,好像有一個製藥廠(a kind of pharmaceutical factory),人們用百合花、玫瑰與水仙花做成止痛的藥膏。
l 自邁錫尼文明與米諾文明,常常可見百合花的主題。根據Baumann下面的封印源自邁錫尼文化,但是網頁說明標示為克里特的封印。但是Baumann一直強調,百合花是克里特文化最主要的美學主題之一。此外,兩位婦女獻給女神的花,在Baumann的書是寫著百合(lilies),網頁的說明是番紅花(crocuses)。
(參考Bauman, 第45頁)。
Goddess Seals of ancient Crete: Goddess with
poppies seated under fruiting tree and surrounded by votaries offering crocuses.
Two serpents float past the sun and moon in the sky, beside a "Shield
Goddess." A double axe takes center position, and beneath it is a small
female figure with a crocus who appears to be standing on the mountain symbol,
like a goddess in other seal art.
l λείριον Madonna
lily, Lilium candidum 聖母百合
l 下面這幅文藝復興時期作品《報喜》(Annunciation,
by Paolo de Matteis, 1712),大天使加百列手持聖母百合,將獻給聖母馬利亞。
l 有些學者認為,聖母百合非希臘本土的原生植物,但是1916年之後陸續發現希臘各地有野生的聖母百合。