2013年9月22日 星期日

12 White Poplar Tree

白楊樹  銀白楊

Populus alba

Odyssey 6.247-331
主題: 引進皇宮,楊樹下等候


‘ ξεῖνε, σὺ δ᾽ ὦκ᾽ ἐμέθεν ξυνίει ἔπος, ὄφρα τάχιστα
πομπῆς καὶ νόστοιο τύχῃς παρὰ πατρὸς ἐμοῖο.
δήεις ἀγλαὸν ἄλσος Ἀθήνης ἄγχι κελεύθου
αἰγείρων: ἐν δὲ κρήνη νάει, ἀμφὶ δὲ λειμών:
ἔνθα δὲ πατρὸς ἐμοῦ τέμενος τεθαλυῖά τ᾽ ἀλωή,
τόσσον ἀπὸ πτόλιος, ὅσσον τε γέγωνε βοήσας.
ἔνθα καθεζόμενος μεῖναι χρόνον, εἰς ὅ κεν ἡμεῖς
ἄστυδε ἔλθωμεν καὶ ἱκώμεθα δώματα πατρός.
αὐτὰρ ἐπὴν ἡμέας ἔλπῃ ποτὶ δώματ᾽ ἀφῖχθαι,
καὶ τότε Φαιήκων ἴμεν ἐς πόλιν ἠδ᾽ ἐρέεσθαι
δώματα πατρὸς ἐμοῦ μεγαλήτορος Ἀλκινόοιο.
(Odyssey 6.289-299)

ἀλωή threshing-floor

αἴγειρος black poplar, Populus nigra

So, stranger, pay attention to what I say,
and with all speed you can get my father
to arrange an escort for your journey home. 
You’ll come across a fine grove to Athena—
it’s near the road, a clump of poplar trees.
There’s a fountain, with meadows all around.
My father has a fertile vineyard there,
some land, as well, within shouting distance
of the town. Sit down there, and wait a while,
until we move into the city and reach  
my father’s house. When you think we’ve had time                     
to reach my home, then go in the city
of the Phaeacians and inquire about

my father’s house, great-hearted Alcinous.


l  Iliad 4. 482-487提到黑楊樹。但也有可能是白楊樹。
l  依據希臘神話,白楊樹的葉子兩面深淺顏色對比,代表Chthonian deities,暗的一面表示地府,亮的一面是活人世界。當Heracles 征服陰間的三頭狗(Cerberus)Heracles戴著白楊樹冠冕。
In Greco-Roman mythology, Leuce or Leuka ("White" or specifically "White Poplar") was the most beautiful of the nymphs and a daughter of Oceanus. Pluto fell in love with her and abducted her to the underworld. She lived out the span of her life in his realm, and when she died, the god sought consolation by creating a suitable memorial of their love: in the Elysian Fields where the pious spend their afterlife, he brought a white tree into existence. It was this tree with which Herakles crowned himself to celebrate his return from the underworld.

Pausanias 的描述如下:
Pausanias, Description of Greece 5. 14. 1 - 2 :
"The [great] altar [of Zeus] at Olympia shows another strange peculiarity, which is this. The kite, the bird of prey with the most rapacious nature, never harms those who are sacrificing at Olympia. Should ever a kite seize the entrails or some of the flesh, it is regarded as an unfavorable sign for the sacrificer. There is a story that when Herakles the son of Alkmena was sacrificing at Olympia he was much worried by the flies. So either on his own initiative or at somebody's suggestion he sacrificed to Zeus Averter of Flies, and thus the flies were diverted to the other side of the Alpheios. It is said that in the same way the Eleans too sacrifice to Zeus Averter of Flies, to drive1 the flies out of Olympia.
The Eleans are wont to use for the sacrifices to Zeus the wood of the white poplar and of no other tree, preferring the white poplar, I think, simply and solely because Herakles brought it into Greece from Thesprotia. And it is my opinion that when Herakles sacrificed to Zeus at Olympia he himself burned the thigh bones of the victims upon wood of the white poplar. Herakles found the white poplar growing on the banks of the Akheron, the river in Thesprotia."

l  羅馬神話是大力士 Heracles的聖樹,因為他在Aventine Hill附近一旅店擊敗Cacus,那兒長滿白楊樹,戰勝之時,Heracles在眉間綁上白楊樹樹枝,作為勝利的象徵。

l  莫內的畫作,白楊樹系列: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poplar_Series_(Monet)
Poplars in the Sun, 1887

White Poplar leaves; underside left, upper side right
河北楊(學名:Populus hopeiensis)是楊柳科楊屬的植物,是中國的特有植物。分布在中國的華北、西北等地,生長於海拔750米至2,400米的地區,目前尚未由人工引種栽培。http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B2%B3%E5%8C%97%E6%9D%A8

