2013年8月31日 星期六

3 Strawberry Clove

strawberry clove
Trifolium fragiferum


Iliad 2. 768-779

英文翻譯: Of horses best by far were the mares of the son of Pheres, those that Eumelas drave, swift as birds, [765] like of coat, like of age, their backs as even as a levelling line could make. These had Apollo of the silver bow reared in Pereia, both of them mares, bearing with them the panic of war. And of warriors far best was Telamonian Aias, while yet Achilles cherished his wrath; for Achilles was far the mightiest, [770] he and the horses that bare the peerless son of Peleus. Howbeit he abode amid his beaked, seafaring ships in utter wrath against Agamemnon, Atreus' son, shepherd of the host; and his people along the sea-shore took their joy in casting the discus and the javelin, and in archery; [775] and their horses each beside his own car, eating lotus and parsley of the marsh, stood idle, while the chariots were set, well covered up, in the huts of their masters. But the men, longing for their captain, dear to Ares, roared hither and thither through the camp, and fought not.

這裡的Lotus (λωτός),確定是馬吃的糧,還是有非常多的可能:
name applied to various plants and trees (Thphr.HP7.15.3, Plin.HN14.101, cf. Hsch.) providing fodder or fruit:
I. fodder plants,
1. clover, trefoil, Trifolium fragiferum, Od.4.603, Thphr.HP7.8.3, 7.13.5, Dsc. 4.111.
2. fellbloom, Lotus corniculatus, Il.14.348, Plin.HN22.55.
3. = τῆλις, fenugreek, Trigonella Foenum-graecum, Dsc.2.102; λ. ἄγριος wild fenugreek, T. gladiata, Id.4.111, Gal.12.65.
4. melilot, T. graeca, Thphr.HP9.7.3.
b. Italian melilot, Melilotus messanensis, Dsc.4.110, Gal. l.c.
5. = κύτισος, Medicago arborea, Ps.-Dsc.4.112.

II. Nile water-lily, Egyptian lotus, Nymphaea Lotus, Hdt.2.92, Thphr.HP4.8.9, PHib.1.152 (iii B.C.), Dsc.4.113, Plin.HN13.107; the blue species (Nymphaea stellata), Thphr.HP 4.8.11; also, Nymphaea Nelumbo, Ath.3.73a.

III. of trees found in Libya,
1. nettle-tree, Celtis australis, Thphr.HP1.5.3, 4.3.1, Dsc. 1.117, etc.; used for making flutes, Thphr.HP4.3.4: hence
b. in E. (lyr.) and later poets, flute, “λ. . . Μουσᾶν θεράπων” El.716, cf. Pae.Delph.12, AP7.182 (pl., Mel.); “Λίβυς λ.” E.Tr.544, Hel.170, IA 1036, prob. in Limen.13.
c. pipe inserted in the νάβλα, Sopat. 10.
d. tube or stalk of vaginal speculum, Aët. 16.89, Paul.Aeg. 6.73.
2. tree growing among the Lotophagi, Zizyphus Lotus, “λωτοῖο . . μελιηδέα καρπόν” Od.9.94, cf. Hdt.2.96, 4.177, Thphr.HP4.3.1-4, Plb.12.2.2.

1. 假設這裡指的是clover, trefoil, Trifolium fragiferum,羅念生與王煥生的翻譯「他們的馬在車旁吃沼澤裡的苜蓿和芫荽」似乎不太正確,至少一般認為苜蓿是(Medicago polymorpha),但是,如果這裡的Lotus (λωτός)κύτισος,,就是Medicago arborea,木本苜蓿。這是荷馬史詩中植物辨識的困難,因為希臘原文和英文譯本差異,而古希臘的植物知識和現今的了解差異又很大,造成一些困惑,但也是激發我一探究竟的熱情。
2. Baumann, Hellmut. The Greek Plant World in Myth, Art and Literature. 書中,沒有介紹clove,也沒介紹Medicago polymorpha倒是植物學之父Theophrastus提到它的葉子(7.8.3),又提到種子需兩年才發芽(7.13.5)
3. Odyssey 4.603Telemachus 禮貌地婉拒Menelaus送的馬,希望把馬留在斯巴達的大草原上因為:

σὺ γὰρ πεδίοιο ἀνάσσεις
εὐρέος, ᾧ ἔνι μὲν λωτὸς πολύς, ἐν δὲ κύπειρον
πυροί τε ζειαί τε ἰδ᾽ εὐρυφυὲς κρῖ λευκόν.
for you are lord of a wide plain, where there is lotus in abundance, and galingale, wheat and spelt, and broad-eared white barley.
一大片的lotus (λωτὸς)galingale (κύπειρον)wheat (πυροί, Triticum vulgare)spelt or one-seeded wheat (ζειαί, Triticum monococcum), broad-eared white barley (εὐρυφυὲς κρῖ λευκόν)

4. 現代Trifolium fragiferum,有英文翻譯成strawberry clove, 中文有翻譯成「草莓車軸草」

