2013年11月3日 星期日

17 Fig

Iliad 5. 899-909
ὣς φάτο, καὶ Παιήον᾽ ἀνώγειν ἰήσασθαι.
τῷ δ᾽ ἐπὶ Παιήων ὀδυνήφατα φάρμακα πάσσων
ἠκέσατ᾽: οὐ μὲν γάρ τι καταθνητός γ᾽ ἐτέτυκτο.
ὡς δ᾽ ὅτ᾽ ὀπὸς γάλα λευκὸν ἐπειγόμενος συνέπηξεν
ὑγρὸν ἐόν, μάλα δ᾽ ὦκα περιτρέφεται κυκόωντι,
ὣς ἄρα καρπαλίμως ἰήσατο θοῦρον Ἄρηα.
τὸν δ᾽ Ἥβη λοῦσεν, χαρίεντα δὲ εἵματα ἕσσε:
πὰρ δὲ Διὶ Κρονίωνι καθέζετο κύδεϊ γαίων.
αἳ δ᾽ αὖτις πρὸς δῶμα Διὸς μεγάλοιο νέοντο
Ἥρη τ᾽ Ἀργείη καὶ Ἀλαλκομενηῒς Ἀθήνη
παύσασαι βροτολοιγὸν Ἄρη᾽ ἀνδροκτασιάων.

He spoke, and commanded Paeeon to heal his hurt;
and Paeeon spread on it herbs that slay pain, and healed him;
for he was not at all of mortal mold.
Just as the juice of the fig speedily makes to grow thick the white milk that is liquid,
and it is quickly curdled as a man stirs it, so swiftly he healed furious Ares.
And Hebe bathed him, and clad him in beautiful clothes, and he sat down by the side of Zeus,
son of Cronos, exulting his glory.
Then back to the halls of great Zeus went Argive Hera
and Alaclomenean Athene, when they had made Ares,
the bane of mortals, cease from his man-slaying.
l  戰神Ares受傷了! Ares是神,不會死喔! 宙斯一方面責備愛惹禍端的Ares,一方面還是請Paeeon (Paean, Paieon, Παιήον)幫他療傷。Paeeon (Paean, Paieon, Παιήον)有時候就是指Apollo
l  一般都只提Paean用藥草,英文譯本中提到無花果(fig),但希臘原文中並沒有說白色的植物漿汁來自無花果樹。會如此直接翻譯是因為ὀπός: juice,在古希臘常常就是指野生無花果漿汁,可當凝乳酵素---"the acid juice of the wild fig that was used as a rennet for curdling milk" (Kirk, p.153)
l  ὀπός: juice
l  γάλα: milky sap of plants
l  λευκός light, bright, white
l  ἐπείγω press by weight
l  ὑγρός wet, moist, fluid
l  περιτρέφομαι forms curds
l  κυκάω stir
下面資料與圖片出處(維基百科): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_fig
common fig (Ficus carica): Drawing of the common fig foliage and fruit

ἐρινεός wild fig-tree
Ficus Caprificus, Ficus carica
Iliad 6. 429-439
Ἕκτορ ἀτὰρ σύ μοί ἐσσι πατὴρ καὶ πότνια μήτηρ
ἠδὲ κασίγνητος, σὺ δέ μοι θαλερὸς παρακοίτης:
ἀλλ᾽ ἄγε νῦν ἐλέαιρε καὶ αὐτοῦ μίμν᾽ ἐπὶ πύργῳ,
μὴ παῖδ᾽ ὀρφανικὸν θήῃς χήρην τε γυναῖκα:
λαὸν δὲ στῆσον παρ᾽ ἐρινεόν, ἔνθα μάλιστα
ἀμβατός ἐστι πόλις καὶ ἐπίδρομον ἔπλετο τεῖχος.
τρὶς γὰρ τῇ γ᾽ ἐλθόντες ἐπειρήσανθ᾽ οἱ ἄριστοι
ἀμφ᾽ Αἴαντε δύω καὶ ἀγακλυτὸν Ἰδομενῆα
ἠδ᾽ ἀμφ᾽ Ἀτρεΐδας καὶ Τυδέος ἄλκιμον υἱόν:
ἤ πού τίς σφιν ἔνισπε θεοπροπίων ἐῢ εἰδώς,
ἤ νυ καὶ αὐτῶν θυμὸς ἐποτρύνει καὶ ἀνώγει.
Hector, you are to me father and queenly mother, you are brother,
and you are my vigorous husband.
Come now, have pity, and stay here on the wall,
lest you make your son fatherless and your wife a widow.
And as for your army, station it by the wild fig tree,
where the city may best scaled, and the wall is open to assault.
For thrice at this point came the best men in company with the two
Aiantes and glorious Idomeneus and the sons of Atreus
and the valiant son of Tydeus, and tried the walls:
either someone well skilled in soothsaying told them,
or perhaps their own heart urges and commands them to it.

l  Iliad 6. 369-466,敘述丈夫與妻子的對話,在戰事吃緊,而且生死關頭,面對不安恐懼的妻小,Hector還是得捨下家人,捨下安逸的生活,為了保衛社稷,忍心闊別特洛伊的一切。
l  Andromache看透,"My dear husband, your warlike spirit will be your death." 一語道破英雄的悲劇下場。
l  Andromache害怕丈夫一去不回,希望他留在安全的城牆之內。
l  Andromache提到Hector的戰術,從無花果樹邊攻上城垣。這策略只有三人曾經嘗試: HectorAiantesIdomeneus這段文字似乎與上下文不合,基本上Andromache想說服Hector不要出戰,根據 Kirk的註釋,這裡所說的不實: "they contain an untruth; for it was not recorded that the wall was easy to attack in this sector, nor it the fighting so close to the wall" (p.217)。是因為Andromache不了解情況?還是詩人吟唱時忘了上下文情節的一致?
l  ἐρινεός wild fig-tree, Ficus Caprificus = Ficus caricaIliad 11.167, 22.145會再提到無花果樹。如Iliad 5. 692-3提到的橡樹,無花果樹位於特洛伊城牆附近一定點,但實際位置不可考。Iliad 11.166-168描述特洛伊軍隊全軍潰堤,從Ilos墳場撤退到此無花果樹下,Iliad 22.145也提到Achilles追殺 Hector,穿過此無花果樹。從這幾處,可以看見,無花果樹像是特洛伊的守護者,保護特洛伊人,提供休息之處,也見證Hector悲壯一生。
l  此外,Andromache的父親也死於Achilles的武力下,而Hector也即將斷送生命在Achilles的手下,實在很難不恨這位追求名聲,卻害的許多家庭破碎的英雄!


l  柏拉圖(Plato)也取了個綽號"philosikos" (lover of figs),愛無花果者。
l  Athenaeus (14. 651)整章討論無花果乾果。一說,希臘人曾贈無花果給波斯王 Xerxes,實在太美味,導致這位波斯王一心想攻打這塊孕育美味無花果的土地。

l  Herodotus 還專論無花果樹複雜的授粉過程。

